Meet the experts forum provides an opportunity to Students, Company representatives, Start-ups and Agencies to have interaction with Materials Science Experts and Decision Makers of Materials Oceania 2019 to solve the complex research problems and collaborate with them to potential partnership.
Attendees interested to join this forum should send their request to Conference secretariat via (Email), before one month to the conference. There will be no extra fee to join this forum.
Industry prospectors are looking for breakthrough technologies that are ready for licensing, corporate partnering, or investment opportunities. This can include prototypes, demonstrations and display booths to showcase your innovative solutions at Materials Oceania 2019. Pitch your idea to industrial expert jury to raise the capital you need to get started.
Register for a single showcase booth which includes participation of one person along with the showcase booth. Showcase booths will be placed opposite to Sponsor/exhibitors booths to provide more exposure to corporates.
Materials Oceania 2019 help commercialize your innovations and build your business development pipeline through corporate partnering. We will arrange one-on-one partnering meeting on request. We will share all the conference attendees list with you, a month before the conference and arrange for one-on-one meeting with selected corporate representatives.
For queries, send Email to Rakshith Kumar (
Materials Oceania 2019 not only open doors to your career, but also open your eyes to future opportunities, new cultures, and international perspectives.
With majority of the students interested in doing higher studies abroad, students marketing forum provides an opportunity to Postgraduate and Undergraduate students to have formal communication with University representatives from around the world. Postgraduate student recruitment is increasingly becoming a strategic priority for higher education institutions. Materials Oceania 2019 provides an excellent networking opportunity of potential collaboration with businesses and organizations for students.
Send your resumes to Rakshith Kumar ( a month prior to the conference and mention your interest (Research positions, Internships, Full time job offers). The resumes will be shared with members of the Materials Oceania 2019 based on your interests.