Date: September 23-26, 2024
Event Location: JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa, Phuket, Thailand

Related Special Issues:

Chemical Engineering Journal


MOF-based Macroarchitectured Materials with Advanced Applications

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) based materials have attracted great interest as excellent nanomaterials and precursors many fields such as energy, environmental, catalysis etc. In the past decade, numerous exciting advances of MOFs and their derived materials have been made in related research fields and the large-scale production and implementation have also been operated in many industries.

Guest Editors:

Prof. Yusuke Yamauchi
The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Prof. Chaohai Wang

Henan University of Urban Construction, Pingdingshan, China


Dr. Jongbeom Na

Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) , Seoul, Republic of Korea


Submission open date: May 20, 2024

Submission closing date: Oct. 31, 2024

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Journal of Physics: IOP Conference Series


Online publication is charged at a rate of 95 USD per submitted article and includes:

  • Open access: all articles are free to read and download in perpetuity after publication
  • Creation of online versions of the abstracts contained in each paper
  • Creation of hyperlinked references and tracking of future citations
  • Unlimited number of pages in each article
  • Unlimited use of colour online
  • Any multimedia items (e.g. videos, simulations)

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